Museum quality art prints are higher quality prints produced by Coupralux Fine Art Services in Dallas, Texas. Each print is color matched to the original artwork and printed with state-of-the-art giclée technology on fade-resistant heavy weight 300 gm archival paper. 
Printed upon request.  Bulk discounts available, custom sizes sometimes possible. Payments handled through PAYPAL. Send email with name and size of the print you want, and we will get back to you.
It takes 7-18 days to produce a museum quality print before shipping occurs. Contact us regarding USPS shipping charges, for special handling via UPS/FedEx, or for outside USA.
Refuge by Kathryn Vermillion
$583 - 25.174" x 36" (Large)
$358 - 17.143" x 24" (Medium)
$245 - 14.286" x 20" (Small)
Pipelines and Magnolias by Kathryn Vermillion
Pipelines and Magnolias
$236 - 27" x 36 (Large)
$464 - 20" x 26.67 (Medium)
$176 - 27" x 36" (Small)
Texas Tree by Kathryn Vermillion
Texas Tree 
$645 - 32" x 32" (Large)
$501 - 24" x 24" (Medium)
$308 - 20" x 20" (Small)
Ancient Story by Kathryn Vermillion
Ancient Story
$645 - 32" x 32" (Large)
$501 - 24" x 24" (Medium)
$308 - 20" x 20" (Small)
Taking Chances by Kathryn Vermillion
Taking Chances
$645 - 32" x 32" (Large)
$501 - 24" x 24" (Medium)
$308 - 20" x 20" (Small)
Woman Waits by Kathryn Vermillion
Woman Waits
$373 - 20" x 29.583" (Large)
$330 - 16" x 23.667" (Medium)
$133 - 10.817" x 16" (Small)
Bayou Paradise by Kathryn Vermillion
Bayou Paradise
$645 - 32" x 32" (Large)
$501 - 24" x 24" (Medium)
$308 - 20" x 20" (Small)
Plaquemines Parish by Kathryn Vermillion
Plaquemines Parish
$612 - 32" x 20.267" (Large)
$464 - 24" x 15.2 (Medium)
$176 - 20" x 11.4" (Small)
Louisiana Serenade by Kathryn Vermillion
Louisiana Seranade
$484 - 32" x 24" (Large)
$376 - 24" x 18" (Medium)
$173 - 16" x 20" (Small)
French Legacy by Kathryn Vermillion
French Legacy
$415 - 20.571" x 32" (Large)
$322 - 15.249" x 24" (Medium)
$198 - 12.857" x 20" (Small)
TCu Heritage by Kathryn Vermillion
TUU Heritage
$595 - 32" x 29.5" (Large)
$462 - 24" x 11.125 (Medium)
$230 - 18" x 16.594" (Small)
Email order museum quality art prints.


Images and content on this website are the property of Kathryn Vermillion. Copyright © 2023, all rights reserved internationally.